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Skin and coat

Dogs and cats on a special diet often need some extra support, as their ailments usually demand quite a lot from their bodies. Even if it doesn't seem immediately necessary, that extra support can give a good boost to their health preventively.

One such need is to strengthen the skin and coat condition. Our food contributes to this through the presence of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids in the right balance and through the additional addition of zinc

What are Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids and zinc? And how do they work.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids:
Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are essential fatty acids, which means that animals (like humans, for that matter) cannot produce these fats themselves. So they have to come in through food. These fatty acids are a kind of building blocks that help in all kinds of important processes in the body.

Omega-6 fatty acids are found in vegetable oils, such as sunflower oil and corn oil, and in animal fats. They are best known for their role in supporting the skin barrier.

  • Hydration: Omega-6 helps the skin retain moisture. Hydrated skin means less chance of flakes and a dry coat.
  • Repairer: If your pet has a wound or irritation, Omega-6 plays a role in the healing process. It stimulates skin cells to renew themselves.

Omega-3 fatty acids are mainly found in oily fish (such as salmon), flaxseed and algae. They have a somewhat different role than Omega-6, but are just as important.

  • Anti-scratch: Omega-3 is anti-inflammatory. If your dog or cat suffers from itching, allergies or red skin, these fatty acids can help calm things down.
  • Gloss guaranteed: This fatty acid supports the production of natural oils in the skin, which in turn ensures a shiny, healthy coat.

Right balance
Here comes the key point: Omega-3 and Omega-6 work together as a team, but if there is too much Omega-6, it can worsen inflammation. Omega-3 helps to redress that balance. In pet food, a ratio of about 5:1 (Omega-6:Omega-3) is often recommended. However, many feed brands have too much Omega-6 and too little Omega-3

Zinc is an essential mineral, which means your animal must get it through food because the body cannot make it itself. It is a kind of all-rounder that helps build, grow and repair tissues.

Zinc can be found in meat, fish and egg. For skin and coat, zinc is especially important because it:

  • Keeps skin healthy: It strengthens the skin barrier and makes the skin retain moisture better.
  • Preventing hair loss: Zinc deficiency can lead to excessive hair loss and a dull coat.
  • Flakes reduced: Zinc helps prevent dry skin and flaking.
  • Skin problems cures: It promotes the recovery of wounds, irritations and inflammations.
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